PROJECT 9 → For Instance –
Mural & Lettering.
Stone carving is a craft that involves a process without getting the immediate gratification, deriving a longer and deeper satisfaction from it. This project aimed to embody the idea of focus, attention & process through the lens of craft. I believe that letter cutting, often referred to as a dying or lost art, is more relevant now than ever before.The brain is novelty hungry but needs to be rationed and exercised properly. It requires constant monitoring of attention.

Rapid setting concrete is a superficial substitute for stone that can be created instantly - feeding into this persistent idea of immediacy. On the surface the concrete gives the illusion of having a smooth finish. Carving into it however exposes the raw & brittle mixture within. Something which appears to be inviolable is revealed to be fragile. This physical analogy then merges the material with the quote I have reinterpreted and carved into the posters;
“To be authentic, we must cultivate the courage to be imperfect—and vulnerable. We have to believe that we are fundamentally worthy of love and acceptance, just as we are.” - Casandra Brené Brown PhD
“To be authentic, we must cultivate the courage to be imperfect—and vulnerable. We have to believe that we are fundamentally worthy of love and acceptance, just as we are.” - Casandra Brené Brown PhD

Authenticity is a term that is patently partnered with craft. To be authentic is to be one’s true self, if we become increasingly accustomed to instant gratification do we then run the risk of losing our ability to have genuine authentic thought processes, ideas, interests and realisations? Will we allow databases and algorithms which feed us our predictable interests to override our human capacity to imagine, too cogitate or even contemplate? The purpose of the concrete posters is to encourage the viewer to fail and be flawed, not just in themselves but in their own humane ways of thinking.
All hand made and hand carved, 2020.
All hand made and hand carved, 2020.